Brillo, Home at last.. :)

Brillo has officially entered the ‘Tripawds’ world. His surgery was yesterday. This was really hard to do. As usual when we pulled into the vet parking lot he knew..I went inside and asked for help to get him out of the car. We have an SUV so the whole back is his. I opened the back and he was just shaking..Poor guy. Two techs helped him out by carrying him in.

The veternarian told me what Brillo and I would expect during the surgery and after. It was so hard to leave him. I cried all the way to Portland.

Around noon I got a call from the clinic. The surgery went very well. Brillo was even trying to lift his head up immediately after anesthesia was taken away.

After work Chris and I went to see him.He was quite groggy still. He had catheterized pain medication right to the site which was knocking him for a loop. He tried to get up when we came in but couldn’t do it. That tail wagged though. That was enough for me.  🙂  We left after kissed Brillo good night and went home.

SO here we are to tonight..Chris and I picked him up after work. We went over after care instructions and time tables and dosages of medications. Then they brought Brillo to us! He walked right to us..Already walking!  Oh, he falls every now and then, he still hasn’t regained all of his balance yet and hasn;t figured it out but that’s just a matter of time. I am so amazed at his recovery! The techs said that dogs that are not overweight do so much better than obese ones. It’s astoungding how fast they bounce back.

Brillo had to be helped into the back of the car so we could drive home. I asked Chris to take the route that has the least amount of frost heaves and pot holes (yes, it;s spring in Maine  🙂 ) so Brillo’s ride would be as comfortable as can be.

When we got home he hopped right out. Can you believe it? Not 30 hours before he had his right hind leg amputated! We’d be whining and groaning and thinking the world came to an end. All Brillo cares about is that he has us  and he is well cared and a place to poop and pee! Living in the moment!

Brillo went up the 3 steps on the porch and right into the house! He ate his supper and then went outside.I was nervous about peeing but boy oh boy, not Brillo! Down over the steps and let the river start! He even wanted his treat that he gets for coming back in. (Brillo loves to go on walkabouts in the neighborhood when he shouldn’t)

Brillo is trying to figure out how to lie down.He keeps hop walking in circles then finally letting his back leg bend and then gets down.

So here we are this first night at home. So far so good. I am extremely grateful for all the skillful and caring staff at Veazie Vet. I am especially thankful for all the support on “Tripawds” site.


5 thoughts on “Brillo, Home at last.. :)”

  1. Brillo is a very handsome boy, and so lucky to have you guys. I’m sure you’ve heard it already but make sure you rest when you can and stay calm and cool as a leader for Brillo. Hopefully he’ll have a smooth recovery, but if things get frustrating or scary just try to relax…and call your vet with ANY questions. That’s why theyre there. My vet definitely earned all that money I paid. 🙂


    1. Thank you Leslie. Brillo is sleeping right now while I am on the couch writing to you. I certainly will call the vet if I have any concerns or worries. I’m not shy about that.
      It is well worth the money we paid. We have Brillo, without it we wouldn’t. The two don’t even compare. 🙂
      Chris, Chris and Brillo

  2. OMGosh/…Brillo!!!You are already at the head of the Class of Tripawds who RULE!!!

    Best of luck and hugs from Miss Pegz in Buffalo!!!!

    1. I can’t imagine how fast his recovery is going! He is tired though.His kitty siblings want to play and try to bait him.Brillo wants to play but doesn’t quite have the energy yet. That tail wags a lot though. Brillo is young and in great health, a very good candidate for the surgery. I am so glad we decided to go through with it. I’m very grateful for all of the skilled and loving staff at the veterinary hospital.
      Thank you Miss Pegz in Buffalo.
      ps.My husband and I drive through Buffalo when we drive out to Cleveland to visit his family. We’ll wave next time we go through!

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